Minnesota Shuts Down, Washington Closes Tourist Office and Florida Fires Workers → Washingtons Blog
Minnesota Shuts Down, Washington Closes Tourist Office and Florida Fires Workers - Washingtons Blog

Friday, July 1, 2011

Minnesota Shuts Down, Washington Closes Tourist Office and Florida Fires Workers

Here are three headlines from today:

The states are truly in trouble.


  1. And?

    It will get much worse!

    The FDR route will be obvious to a greater degree than in the thirties, so resolution will follow, unless there is a coup ........ which there has been?

  2. The corporate powers that are truly ruling things in this country MUST BE STOPPED!

  3. I could teach a mentally retarded six year old how to maintain public sector employment in a recession. As advocated by both Keynes and Milton Friedman, make up for the loss of local or state government income with printed money. Plus that additional money would spill over into the private sector which would help things there.

    Controlling demand and employment in the PRIVATE sector is tricky. But the PUBLIC sector is different: any old fool ought to be able to control total employment in this sector.

  4. The problem is that no proper discussion or debate can take place when the goal is Winner-Take-All politics and policies. The extreme short term thinking I-Got-Mine, Too-Bad-For-You that ignores any consequences has led to a failure of leadership at all levels of government and society. This has been the most evident in the "Shock Doctrine" politics of the conservative movement for the past 30 years.


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