Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Congratulations, America ... Children are Being Tortured in Your Name

The U.S. has imprisoned 2,500 children since 9/11 as "enemy combatants", in violation of the Geneva Convention against classifying children as POWs.

Still not disgusted?

Okay . . . Pulitzer-prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh says that the U.S. Government has videotapes of boys being raped at Abu Ghraib prison (and see this; see also this - General Taguba discusses the sexual humiliation of a father with his son - this and this).

This doesn't come as a complete surprise, given that assistant deputy Attorney General John Yoo has publicly argued that the president can order the torture of a child of a suspect in custody – including by crushing that child’s testicles.

Congratulations, America. This is being done in your name.

If you're not sick to your stomach by learning that your government has been killing and torturing people - including children - then you are a psychopath or a pervert.

Don't try to tell me that torture is a necessary evil. It is well-known by professional interrogators that torture doesn't work. Experts on interrogation say that torture actually interferes with the ability to gather useful information.

Update: An investigation by the Salt Lake Tribune shows that torture in Iraq's locally-run juvenile prisons is also terrible.

1 comment:

  1. If they are terrorists and doing terrorists acts, I don't care how old they are. Put them in prison and torture the shit out of them like they do our own. Screw foreigners who hate the United States, regardless of age. If they go against us, torture them them kill them.


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