Why Obama's Got My Vote → Washingtons Blog
Why Obama's Got My Vote - Washingtons Blog

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Why Obama's Got My Vote

I think there's a good reason to vote for Obama (if Ron Paul isn't given the Republican nomination) even though he's black, and even if you don't like blacks . . .

Why? Because:
  • The Neoconservatives are exploiting, oppressing and manipulating the average white American like slaveowners used to exploit black people
  • The imperialists are trying to silence average, patriotic, family-loving Americans like the slaveowners used to demand that the slaves spoke only when spoken to
  • The tyrants are raping the American treasury, stealing our possessions (by wrecking the economy with high inflation, which drains our wealth), and stripping us of our liberty and our dignity, as the slaveowners did to the slaves
This is just an analogy, and I am not trying to overstate the comparison. But in a certain sense, we are all black . . .

And to the extent that Obama follows through on his promises to restore our freedom and dignity, to restore the Constitution and the rule of law, and to liberate America from our wanna-be lords and masters, he's got my vote.

Disclaimer: I'm a white guy. So I can't speak to the black experience. And I understand there are huge racial tensions in America.

But what's more important: Your anger and hatred? Or protecting yourself from the anti-American tyrants?

If you are black, I didn't use the phrase "African-American" because this essay is aimed at White racists, so please cut me some slack.

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