Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Experts Warn of Food Shortages

The headline of an article on Bloomberg warns "Food Prices Will Rise, Causing Export Bans, Riots".

Leading economist Nouriel Roubini warns of possible food riots.

The Financial Times points out that farmers rely on credit, and credit is drying up.

One of the top experts on derivatives, economist Nassim Nicholas Taleb, warns
that supermarkets may not be able to borrow against their inventory, and will thus be forced to shut down.

I hope they're wrong. But when experts like Roubini and Taleb warn of a potential problem, I have to listen.

1 comment:

  1. It is time for the prices to Drop!!

    there is no need to have a huge oil price on the food! Start buying from Locals as it always was let the area benefit it self as it was!! The people will learn to adapt, not the other way.
    It will benefit your neighbours!


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