Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In 100 Years, the Neocons Will Be Recognized as the Tyrants They Are

Neocon John Bolton claims that “in 100 years,” people won’t remember two of the biggest stains on Bush’s record, Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib:

“In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, he was strong and decisive and that was critical for both the country and for the Western world,” believes John Bolton. “In 100 years people aren’t going to remember Guantánamo or Abu Ghraib, they’re going to remember 9/11 and Bush’s reaction to it.”

Is he right?


60 years after Hitler, the exact thing which we most remember are his concentration camps.

Do we remember the false threats he drummed up to scare his people? The fake threat from Poland, for example, which is the exact parallel to the Neocon's fake "war on terror"?

Well, people either understand that Hitler used false flag terror in the same way that the Neocons, or else they don't know anything about Gleiwitz Incident, the Reichstag fire and other precipitating incidents which Hitler used to drum up fear of an imaginary enemy.

One thing is for certain. In 100 years, 9/11 will be seen as an American Gleiwitz Incident, and the Neocons will be recognized as the tyrants they are.

1 comment:

  1. The basic tenet of your article is correct; but I believe the 'exposure' of the Neocons will come sooner than later.
    The 911truth movement is growing apace and the cowardly editors of the mainstream media, both here in Europe and in Japan and the U.S, will not be able to maintain their silence for much longer.

    In short, I believe that in the near future the shit is going to hit the fan!


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