Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Former Wall St. Journal Editor: "What We Are Witnessing Is A Once Great Power Engaging In Fantasy To Disguise From Itself That It Is A Failed State"

In an article entitled "Will There Be a Recovery?", Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and former editor of the Wall Street Journal editor, Paul Craig Roberts pens the best one-liner of the week:

What we are witnessing is a once great power engaging in fantasy to disguise from itself that it is a failed state.
He's referring, of course, to the U.S.

Runner-up for best zinger is Keith Olbermann's rebuttal to Cheney's statement that the administration kept us safe from further attacks after 9/11:
"Listen, you fatuous, condescending lunatic," Olbermann erupted. "Your task was not to deal with the aftermath of 9/11 -- it was to prevent 9/11."

"And if you utterly whiffed," concluded Olbermann, "on the most important test of all the presidencies in your lifetime, Mr. Cheney, you do not get credit for getting a C on the pop quizzes that followed."


  1. PCR is globalist/socialist. The alternative media really ought to think twice before giving him a platform.

  2. Scott, if Paul Craig Roberts were a socialist or a globalist(?) then that would be all the better reason for the alternative media to give him a platform. Alternative media attempt to present alternative views, not more of the same drivel that is delivered by the mainstream media.

    Given that PCR was a Reagan's Asst Secretary of the Treasury, I find it difficult to believe he is a socialist. As for globalist, that's one of those terms that is generally defined by the person using it to mean whatever they want it to mean.

  3. Paul Craig Roberts is far from a socialist and even farther from a globalist.

    Scott, have you read some of the articles he writes?

    He is actually anti-globalist, which is why i find your comment so odd

  4. Odd indeed. Two misleading assertions in one four-word sentence.

  5. Go Keith Olbermann !!

    Thank you for speaking bare-bones Truth to fatuous, condescending old lunatics !!

    Like a breath of fresh air !!


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