Monday, January 19, 2009

How to Deal with Government Propaganda on the Web

How should we deal with the onslaught of American and Israeli government-sponsored bloggers defending those governments' actions (see this and this)?

Well, one way is to ask bloggers who appear to be parroting pro-goverment propaganda without any thought the following question:

Has the American, Israeli and/or any other government directly or indirectly instructed or requested that you write supporting any of their actions, policies or positions, or helped to organize or in any way supported you in making any writings?
This is a very helpful question.


Well, they will respond yes, assuming that they are an honest person writing in response to one of the governments' calls for pro-government blogging.

Indeed, Air Force regulations require that the blogger identify themselves as military.

So - right off the bat - some people will honestly identify themselves if you ask.

Moreover, routinely asking this question will help educate others on the Internet about the U.S. and Israeli propaganda campaigns, so that they can weigh blogs and comments in a rational manner with an educated eye.

Finally, catching a couple military bloggers in lies will help prove that they are engaging in intentional disinformation (i.e. black propaganda), and not the cheerful truth-spreading mission that the American and Israeli governments are pretending they are engaging in.

1 comment:

  1. Paid "blog attack" armies flood blogs with comments

    Take a look at this: a company that advertises blog armies to "flood the zone with comments from professionals who are ready to put your talking points on the blogosphere 24/7."

    Next time you're engaged in a nasty debate with someone who seems to have unlimited amounts of time to rebut your every point in the most scathing way possible, you might just be arguing with a member of one of these paid blog armies.

    Here's the ad:


→ Thank you for contributing to the conversation by commenting. We try to read all of the comments (but don't always have the time).

→ If you write a long comment, please use paragraph breaks. Otherwise, no one will read it. Many people still won't read it, so shorter is usually better (but it's your choice).

→ The following types of comments will be deleted if we happen to see them:

-- Comments that criticize any class of people as a whole, especially when based on an attribute they don't have control over

-- Comments that explicitly call for violence

→ Because we do not read all of the comments, I am not responsible for any unlawful or distasteful comments.