Thursday, February 5, 2009

Investment Advice | 2-5-09

Here's a round up of what investment advisors are saying today:

  • Marc Faber: "One day the price of gold will be higher than the Dow Jones."

    "The CRB, a broad index of commodities, fell for 20 years in nominal terms, from 1980 to 1999. It is now up 12% and is still inexpensive. The Dow and the S&P are up substantially from the 1980s or early 1990s. Everyone thinks fiscal and monetary measures will work to fix the financial system. I don't. They will be disastrous and fuel inflation. But the supply of oil, gas and copper is relatively limited compared to paper money you can print."

    "Recently I bought some U.S. stocks for the first time in a long time. If you buy Intel , Cisco , Yahoo! , Oracle and Microsoft , you will do much better in the next 10 years than you would with Treasuries."

  • Jim Rogers: "To make money in these markets you should invest in agriculture, power generation, infrastructure and tourism. And Specially if these investments (in stocks) are in Asia". (More Rogers' views on agriculture here).
If you hear of any investment advice which you think is good, please post a comment. This roundup may be updated periodically, so keep checking back.

I am not commenting on who - if anyone - I think is right and who I think is wrong, but only summarizing what some of the top advisors are saying. In addition, you should check the links to make sure that the information contained herein is accurate, and to read any price or timing recommendations (concerning when to buy, sell, or short) of the advisors.

I am not an investment advisor and this should not be taken as investment advice.


  1. From Jim Willie of the Hat Trick Letter (

    The combination of unfettered usage of federal printing presses to create (and thus debauch) its money, together with abusive bilateral hostile actions directed at creditor nations (like China), together with bailouts & rescues soon to reach $10 trillion, together with continued Wall Street control of the USDept Treasury (see Goldman Sachs), together with a steady stream of major monster fraud cases (see Bernie Madoff), WILL SEND GOLD & SILVER NORTH IN PRICE. Lastly, the rising USTreasury Yield Curve also heralds a rising gold price, as the vile specter of monetization has begun to harm the 10-year and 30-year USTreasury Bond integrity.

    Just a quick note on the Madoff victims. A closer look of supposed victims reveals his co-conspirators. They are framed as victims by a subservient press that has no desire at all to publicize where the stolen money is stored. It is in the banks of an allied nation that is beyond reproach, bordering the Mediterranean.

  2. This is not investment advice - just an observation.

    Guns. Ammunition. They can't keep them stocked with a Marxist in office. High demand.

  3. Grate advice, It will very much helpful.

    Anyways thanks for sharing..


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