Tuesday, March 24, 2009

National Cancer Institute: Eating Too Much Red Meat Increases Mortality from Heart Disease and Cancer

The National Cancer Institute, in what has been called "the largest study of its kind", found that older Americans who eat large amounts of red or processed meat face a greater risk of death from heart disease and cancer.

In fact, a much larger study called "The China Study" was conducted years ago by one of the world's leading nutrition experts with the assistance of several country's governments. The China Study also found that eating too much red meat (or animal protein of any kind) caused heart disease, cancer and other problems.

I love hamburgers, pork and all other sorts of meat. I am hopeful that trying to eat grass fed and organic meat whenever possible, exercise, and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables will minimize the health risks.

But after reading The China Study, even I am eating a little more chicken and fish and a little less red meat.


  1. The China Study found that the more animal protein of ALL types (as reflected by cholesterol levels) people ate, the higher the risk of many chronic diseases (including heart disease and cancer). It was not specific to red meat.

  2. The China Study is to nutritional health as the debt securitization market is to our economic health... namely, riddled through with correlative biases, based on poorly conducted research, and pushed for the financial gain of others. In a word, dangerous.

    Read the following China Study critique(1), rebuttal(2), and rebuttal response(3) to dig deeper and then come to your own conclusions.

    #1: http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/China-Study.html

    #2: http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/campbell_china_response.htm

    #3: http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/Campbell-Masterjohn.html

  3. http://www.processedpeople.com/trailer.htm

    for the answer

  4. If the meat came from an animal with cancer would you still eat it?

  5. If the meat came from an animal with cancer would you still eat it?


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