Friday, April 24, 2009

Former Chief Accountant for the SEC: Bernanke and Paulson Broke the Law and Should be Prosecuted

The New York Attorney General says that Bernanke and Paulson forced Bank of America to buy Merill Lynch:

Cuomo Letter

American Public Radio interviewed the former chief accountant at the SEC, who said this was illegal and should be prosecuted:.

Reporter: If Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke really told the CEO of Bank of America to keep quiet about losses at Merrill Lynch, they were probably breaking the law. That’s according to Lynn Turner, former chief accountant at the SEC.

Lynn Turner: If these allegations are proven true, both Bernanke and Paulson should be prosecuted by the SEC to the fullest extent of the law.

Will they be prosecuted? Or will it be yet another example of the high-and-mighty being above the law?


  1. Well, if this stuff keeps happening they will give Americans no choice but to revolt-just to enforce the damn laws.

  2. In such a revolt I rather doubt that they can control more than the Eastern Seaboard and Southern Cali plus a couple of cities. The US "Homeland" is too vast and from the looks of it they still don't have solid control of Iraqi cities even with the number of troops and contractors there.

    But yeah, they soon pushing many people past the breaking point of unendurable tyranny, and that probably is there intent.


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