Thursday, April 30, 2009

U.S. Swine Flu Death Was of Mexican - Not U.S. - Resident

The sole person to die outside of Mexico of the swine flu was a resident of Mexico, not the U.S.

Specifically, the child was a Mexican citizen whose family was visiting relatives in the United States. "The family had traveled to South Texas. The child became ill and they transported the child to Houston for medical care," said a Houston health department official.

Authorities do not currently even know what part of Mexico the child was from.

I'm not sure why all of the deaths so far have been of Mexican residents, but this seems to be the case to date.


  1. Kinda curious how it is just Mexicans that are dying. Targeted virus or just bad medical care delivery?

  2. I just re-read what you wrote. You're not saying that there have been reports of bruising; just waiting to hear whether such surface. It helps to read lol. But just seeing that word turned my brain to butter for a minute.


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