Saturday, May 30, 2009

Demand that Obama Actually Fix the Economy By Taking the Power to Create Money Away from Private Bankers

Ellen Brown - trial attorney and the author of the book Web of Debt - has launched an initiative to urge Obama to save the economy by taking the power to create money away from the bankers, and give it back to the government as the Founding Fathers intended.

Brown's ideas have been endorsed by many very smart and independent financial experts.

Click here and vote Brown's proposal up.

This is a brief introduction to Brown's idea. See this for more information.

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  1. I agree it's the answer. However, I've read a comparison that Obama has more Bilderbergers in his administration than any previous admin. He's the biggest bankster ho we've had in the office. They own his behind and anyone who believes they represent average Americans doesn't understand the relationship between banksters and so many of our politicians. So many politicians (including Obama) are the bankster's harlots proven by records and associations - no matter what image they portray to the people. Undeniably, as we "watch their feet", we know whose orders they march to. They are ripping off the American people and allowing bankster raiding, pillaging,destruction, and takeover of our economy.

  2. I almost always agree with you and read your blog faithfully. But you went off the rails on this one. What difference does it make whether private bankers or the government inflate us to ruin?

  3. To Anonymous who posted immediately before me, it makes a HUGE difference. One of the main reasons we're in the economic mess we're in is because we have to pay interest to the Federal Reserve on money they authorize to print out of thin air. If you do some research you'll quickly find that the "Federal" Reserve is no more federal than Fed-Ex. It is a privately owned corporation. The only part that is federal is their board of Governors but the rest of their organization is made up of PRIVATE bankers. On their PRIVATE website which is only identified by cryptic initials (yes, they have TWO websites, one public and one private), they admit they are merely an "agent" of the U.S. government and not a part of the federal system. The right to coin money, as stated in our Constitution is given solely to Congress. Maybe we should follow our constitution and REPEAL the 16th Amendment which has only served private banking interests since it's illegal so-called ratification. Read "Creature from Jekyll Island" if you want to be enraged.
    - ConspiracyForTruth

  4. Here is a 9/11 interview with an architect representing 700 architects/structural engineers. He states clear evidence from a professional, expert position representing a large group of like experts. He states that it is proven clearly by the evidence that architects and structural engineers professionally can state: the buildings on 9/11 were brought down by a controlled demolition. He just did this interview, from what I see. The authoritative evidence "blows the lid off" the story we were told about how those buildings came down.

  5. Saturday, May 30, 2009
    Jct: And while we wait for our "Demand that Obama Actually Fix the Economy By Taking the Power to Create Money Away from Private Bankers," we should start up alternate local community currency systems.
    Best of all, when the local currency is pegged to the Time Standard of Money (how many dollars/hour child labor) Hours earned locally can be intertraded with other timebanks globally!
    In 1999, I paid for 39/40 nights in Europe with an IOU for a night back in Canada worth 5 Hours.
    U.N. Millennium Declaration UNILETS Resolution C6 to governments is for a time-based currency to restructure the global financial architecture.
    See my banking systems engineering analysis at


  6. by the way, the 16th. amendment was never ratified, therefore it is not valid.

    look up what kennedy tried with E.O. 11110, and you'll understand why they had to murder him.

    thanks all!

  7. I almost always agree with you and read your blog faithfully.


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