Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Obama's "Ongoing Loyalty To Wall Street Is A Virus That Holds Far More Danger Than The Swine Flu. [His] Economic Team Needs To Be Put In Quarantine"

Arianna Huffington has the quote of the day:

The Obama administration's ongoing loyalty to Wall Street is a virus that holds far more danger than the swine flu (sorry, the H1N1). And the fact that the stress test results to be released on Thursday are unlikely to show the full extent of the sickness of our financial system is one more symptom that Obama's economic team needs to be put in quarantine -- and replaced by people willing to put the public interest ahead of the interests of Wall Street.


  1. One of Olberman's Special Comments warned Mr. Obama to quickly amputate the criminality of BushCo war crimes otherwise he will own them by his ommission. This bankster rip-off and rolling over on the cram-down in bankruptcy court among other un-actions is beginning to doom his presidency, further diminishing the legitimacy of the government.

    I voted for him and I am proud of my fellows for electing him. However I will not vote for another incumbent. Please join me.


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