Monday, May 25, 2009

Senator: “The Government Could Buy Citicorp for a Fraction of What We've Already Obligated the Taxpayer For"

Basketball star and former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley succinctly summarized something a lot of us have previously said:

The market capitalization of Citicorp is $17 billion. So the government could buy Citicorp for a fraction of what we've already obligated the taxpayer for. And in buying Citicorp, as an example—there could be one or two others—the government would announce in four to six months that it is going to sell the good assets of the bank back to the public.

1 comment:

  1. How come there are no posts defending the lack of regulation that got us here. Where are all the free market fools who still insist that deregulation is the answer? Where oh where are all the Aussie school folks who would give us more of the same in spades. Silent, deadly silent.


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