Friday, May 29, 2009

There's a Reason that Jon Stewart is the World's Most Popular Truth-Teller

Jon Stewart does more truth-telling than any other mainstream reporter.
There's a reason for that.

Oscar Wilde said:
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.


  1. Stewart's more than just funny though - he's clearly really smart. Some of the questions he asks during interviews - serious questions, not the joke ones - are more pointed and important than even someone like Olbermann could dream of. This lends him a whole new level of credibility beyond the jokes.

    He's the best commentator/reporter/analyst out there.

  2. I don't know if you know this, but using parody in the form of Steven Colbert doesn't work. It doesn't wake ANYBODY up. There was actually a study done that shows that hard-line conservatives don't know he's joking. Sad, but true.

  3. It doesn't wake ANYBODY up. There was actually a study done that shows that hard-line conservatives don't know he's joking. Sad, but true.But he informs those who do understand the joke. Though I agree that Colbert's parody cannot compare to Stewart's brand of comedy. Colbert never steps out of character. He misses opportunities to ask really insightful questions because he can't frame them in a way that represents his character.

  4. Gee let's see, the republicans don't know that Colbert is joking. Could that be because they are so use to their lies that he throws back at them that they think he's one of them.

    Oh good we didn't know they are brain dead before this!


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