Friday, June 12, 2009

The REAL Holocaust Deniers Are Those Who Accept the Government's Version of 9/11

A reader named Patrick made a very insightful comment about the propaganda effort to link 9/11 truth activists with holocaust deniers (edited for readability):

Glenn Beck - while no more than a good telepromt reader - as opposed to reporter or commentator, made some disturbing parallels between the 9/11 truth movement and a crazed gunman. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have found, in my experience, that 9/11 truth members are polite, courteous, and friendly. They want nothing more than a criminal investigation of the events of 9/11.

Beck labels many as unpatriotic for not going along with the status quo. As if our government can do no wrong. It goes along with the notion that no one needs to be blamed for anything.

A form of bias that is, in fact, most common is uncritical patriotism, which leads people to believe that their political leaders never knowingly do anything terribly evil. One example is the fact that although credible reports about the genocide against Jews being perpetrated by the Nazis were circulating within Germany in the 40s, many Germans refused to believe the stories, holding that the leaders of their highly civilized nation could not commit such atrocities. Indeed, these Germans were the original ‘Holocaust deniers’.

In the 9/11 case, it is acknowledged that a national government committed a heinous crime; in the other case, the claim that a national government committed a heinous crime is denied. The true parallel with Americans who accuse the Bush administration of complicity in the 9/11 attacks is, therefore, with those German citizens who accused the Nazi leaders of conspiring to commit genocide. And the true parallel with the original Holocaust deniers would be with those Americans who deny their government’s responsibility for 9/11.
As Jon Gold, a Jewish 9/11 activist, wrote last year:

How many times have you seen someone try to compare [the 9/11 truth] movement to "Holocaust Revisionists" (Holocaust Deniers)? I've seen it too many times to count...

None of us deny that 2,973 people were brutally murdered on 9/11. We deny the bogus story we were told about how and why it happened...

The individuals that try and connect the 9/11 Truth Movement with "Holocaust Deniers" are essentially trying to rationalize, justify, protect, and defend the polices of the Bush Regime.

Sound familiar?

If I were to compare the 9/11 Truth Movement to anything, it would be to the White Rose.

According to Wikipedia, the White Rose "was a non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany, consisting of a number of students from the University of Munich and their philosophy professor. The group became known for an anonymous leaflet campaign, lasting from June 1942 until February 1943, that called for active opposition to German dictator Adolf Hitler's regime." [...] "Today, the members of the White Rose are honoured in Germany as some of its greatest heroes because they opposed the Third Reich ...."

And see this.


  1. There certainly IS a small part of the "truther" crowd who are nutty, just like in any random crowd. But it seems to me completely reasonable to treat World Trade Center as ANY OTHER crime scene is treated. Why was standard investigative practice not done? Why was evidence destroyed? All that reasonable people want is *truth* which ever way that turns out! The problem is that the people in power over any investigation are also the ones who would be embarassed by the findings (incompetence is much more likely the *truth* rather than conspiracy). Having said that, if you are already looking for a catalyst for war (as Cheney was CLEARLY doing), it would be at least TEMPTING to say "well, let's wait a few more minutes before scrambling jets". Truth at this point will NEVER come from government though, as the 9/11 Commission was probably the best that these morons could come up with. They are all cowards...the brave people in government are carrying rifles and manning checkpoints.


  2. Dear George,

    I have been so struck by the leaps of circular logic and hypocrisy surrounding what I think are the three defining issues of the 21st Century – the Iraq War, Global Warming and 9/11 – that I have waxed lyrical upon my humble blog on how the justifications and denials of each interact. Enjoy!




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