Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Cheney Kept Everyone in the Dark About the Secret Program

Why did Cheney keep then-current CIA head Tenet and current CIA head Panetta, as well as Congress, in the dark about the secret counterterrorism program?

Because - as Seymour Hersh has previously explained - the lesson which Cheney learned from the Iran-Contra scandal was that too many people in the administration knew about it.

In other words, Cheney's take-home lesson from Iran-Contra was to keep even the intelligence and security agencies in the dark, except for those actually carrying out the operations, so that its representatives wouldn't later spill the beans when grilled under oath.

1 comment:

  1. This guy is so evil his own people call stories about him "Darth Vader Stories" on CNN.

    The same video also has some guy on FOX new not knowing you don't stare into the camera when you are being interviewed.

    I do love Dick Cheney though, he has given us so much good SNL


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