Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Poll: Who Do You Trust More - Prostitutes or Elected Officials?

A survey shows that Chinese people trust prostitutes more than elected officials.

I'm curious what Americans think, so I've posted a new poll (on the right under "Followers").

The poll asks:

Who Do You Trust More - Prostitutes or Elected Officials?
Here are the final results:

1. Prostitutes.
133 (46%)
2. Elected Officials.
2 (0%)
3. It depends on whether the prostitutes are in a state which has legalized - and regulates - prostitution.
19 (6%)
4. There's a difference?
129 (45%)


  1. there are no "elected officials" in china.

  2. I'd trust prostitutes more. They may be dirty w h o r e s but at least they are honest about what they do. Elected officials AKA politicians are about equal in esteem to child molesters.

  3. Prostitutes first,clergy second,Elected officals next to last,and all of the crime prevention people last.

  4. Without a doubt I trust prostitutes more. Hell, I rust the mafia more than elected officials. At least with the mafia they are honest about how they are going to screw you over. None of this convincing us that it's all for our own good.

  5. My Grandfather always said
    He'd trust a used car salesman on the Las Vegas strip before he'd trust a politician

  6. No contest. Prostitutes are way more trustworthy. Only one group is LESS trustworthy than politicians, and that is the clergy.

  7. I trust prostitutes more. With either your money is taken, and you get screwed, but the prostitute usually delivers what she promises.

  8. WOW... nobody voted for politicians 'till now. ( me neither ). I am amazed. WHY, HOW COME are they still in office?...

  9. Give me a good free-market street walker over a politician any day.

  10. Prostitutes get your money with your consent. Politicians get your money at gunpoint (if you refuse to pay taxes, they will jail you and ultimately kill you if you refuse to go to jail).

  11. I contend that politicians are prostitutes. They just whore out our country for self gain.


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