Monday, January 25, 2010

Why is National Security Being Invoked to Keep Basic Financial Information Secret?

Reuters notes:

U.S. securities regulators originally treated the New York Federal Reserve's bid to keep secret many of the details of the American International Group bailout like a request to protect matters of national security, according to emails obtained by Reuters.

The national security claim may seem outlandish, but it is nothing new.

As Business Week wrote on May 23, 2006:

President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations.
In other words, national security has been discussed for years as a basis of keeping normal accounting and securities-related disclosures secret.



  1. There could be many reasons and i think this article puts american economy in a healthy perspective.

    When this happens preparations will surely will have been made in advance within the banking scene around the world.

    This will have some effect for financial markets around the world.

  2. Because the gov't knows if the truth were ever to be known that the gov't would be brought down by the righteous wrath of the governed.

  3. Because AIG is CIA for decades, for starters....

  4. to hide corruption

  5. They hide things.

    They do not operate out in the light of day.

    Evil hides in darkness. It does not like the light.

  6. Really its one of the fabulous post and I just like to say you,its very informative blog which I like a lot.Thank you so much for sharing.keep blogging.


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