Friday, May 21, 2010

Here is 24/7 Live Streaming Video of the Underwater Oil Gusher

Here is live round-the-clock streaming video of the underwater oil gusher, which BP is providing in response to Congressman Edward Markey's demands to BP:

Due to high traffic, the video stream may be intermittent at first. This is not due to technical difficulties at my site, but of the main servers hosted by BP. Check back periodically.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this!!! The "Spill" in the Gulf [in my opinion] is a much more significant event then what we are led to believe. The long term financial, and health consequences of this we may never be able to mitigate. There seems to be no plan in place to stop this disaster.

    Questions I have are;

    1. Why were the first people sent there SWAT, and not Geologists, and Scientists?
    2. Where is THE REST OF THE WORLD????

    Where are the Navy's of the world? This will affect all of our planet at some point in time, why is it that no one seems to care? Let me preface this by saying I am no Eco-Facists, by any means, and if a Hammer-Head like me can get this I question the intellectual capacity of the rest of the planet...

    Just my 2c



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