Friday, May 14, 2010

Mervyn King: "World's Worst Financial Crisis Ever"

Bank of England Governor Mervyn King says:

We are still halfway through the world's worst financial crisis ever.

He is in good company.

The following experts have said that the economic crisis could be worse than the Great Depression:


  1. The only people who aren't saying this could be worse than the Great Depression are those people who are politically motivated to whistle past the graveyard.

  2. I guess most of them would know given that most of them actually engineered it. Lot of Jews in that list, funnily enough.

  3. If all the liars say that this is the worst financial crisis ever, I'm inclined to wonder if maybe the whole thing is just contrived.

  4. Dunno, but if you took the power interest away from the transnational banks by nationalizing, this whole scourge would disappear like so many cockroaches fleeing a sinking ship.

  5. When peaceful revolution becomes impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable.

  6. Doesn't calling those men "Experts" break the posting rules?

  7. Anonymous 7:43 PM,

    "Dunno, but if you took the power interest away from the transnational banks by nationalizing, this whole scourge would disappear like so many cockroaches fleeing a sinking ship."

    Ah, yes, nationalization. Is and always was the most appropriate solution. But then also a kind of parallel cleansing - perhaps incarceration, interrogation and public trial - for the political bacteria that made the nationalization necessary. You wouldn't want the Pelosis and the Bohners to get a free pass, now would you?

    Andrei Vyshinsky

  8. Anonymous 3:31 PM

    "Lot of Jews in that list, funnily enough."

    Most uncomfortable with the anti-semitic spirit behind this crack. There's nothing funny about that, believe me.

    Andrei Vyshinsky

  9. most Jews aren't Semitic anyone can be a jew

  10. We need a full audit of the FED, The replacement of Incumbents is going as planned. Term Limits may make it to the November ballot.

    And then we start on stopping the Foreign Aid, and the transnational policy of supporting those that cannot be supported any longer.

  11. Anonymous 4:31,

    "most Jews aren't Semitic anyone can be a jew"

    This is supposed to pass as a justification of your anti-semitic remark above? Think again. And while you're at it ask any orthodox rabbi in Israel whether anyone can be a Jew. You need a good soul washing, ace.

    Andrei Vyshinsky

  12. Mr. Vyshinsky: Quit whining about the jew thing...its getting old. The people responsible for bringing the system down will pay - be they jewish or otherwise.


  13. Askenazi jews, who make up 80%+ of all jewish people, are descended not from ancient israelites but from the Khazars of eastern europe, and are most definately not a true semitic people. The Palestinians on the other hand are true semites, being the product of centuries of genetic intermingling of the descendent of the israelites and other middle eastern peoples, and who have long ago assimilated the religion and language/culture dominant in the region (ie islam & arabic).

    The pro-Zionist trolls will no doubt deny this obvious truth, but ask yourself the question - which is more likely? That the Jews really were evicted from Judea & Samaria near 2000 years ago and settled in Russia, Poland and Germany? Or that they never actually left, and their descendents are still there, as Mizrahi (true-semtic jews) and their arabised cousins?

    The truth will set you (and the repressed palestinian people) free.

  14. Anonymous 4:22 PM

    Yes, indeed, anti-semitism is old, old and quite familiar whether it issues from some ninteenth century pogram or today from filth like you. Yours are the same tired associations connecting Jews and international finance that had currency among the bacteria that trashed synogogues and Jewish businesses in early Hitlerite Germany, the smell is simply unmistakeable. And oh, one other thing: You're quite right to address me as Mr. Vyshinsky. I require a respectful distance when it comes to racist oafal like you. Count on it.

    Andrei Vyshinsky

  15. Professor King is absolutely brilliant and one of the most straight forward, honest people I've ever met. So I find his thoughts on this all the more worrisome.

  16. The term "anti-Semitic" (or "anti-Semite") usually refers to Jews only, even though the most widely Semitic spoken language is Arabic.
    It was coined in 1879 by German journalist Wilhelm Marr in a pamphlet called, "The Victory of Germandom over Jewry". Using ideas of race and nationalism, Marr argued that Jews had become the first major power in the West. He accused them of being liberals, a people without roots who had Judaized Germans beyond salvation. In 1879 Marr founded the "League for Anti-Semitism". [2]

    In a religious context, the term 'Semitic' can refer to the religions associated with the speakers of these languages: thus Judaism, Christianity and Islam are often described as "Semitic religions" (irrespective of language family spoken by their adherents).

  17. Seems to me that these guys have a pretty important message for us. Too bad nobody's listening.


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