Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independence Day

One of my hobbies is music and songwriting. For Independence Day, I'm posting a song I just finished.

(See below for notes on the music.)

The king's men
Have betrayed us
Tricked us out of
Our homes

No one else
Gonna save us
We must stand up
On our own

We've been conquered
For too long
We've played their game

We'd be invincible
So rise up
And shake off our chains

We've been fooled
By the banker
The sheriff
And the priest

We've been ruled
By the con men
The scoundrels
And the thieves

We've been conquered
For too long
We've played their game

We'd be invincible
So rise up
And shake off our chains

The power
Streaming out
Through our souls [Note: if you're an atheist, think of it as our source of courage, or just change the last word to "soles"]

The hour
Come together
And let's roll

Here we are
In the meadow
It is time to

From afar
The army's nearing
Are we slaves or
Will we fight?

We've been conquered
For too long
We've played their game

We'd be invincible
So rise up
And shake off our chains

The power
Streaming out
Through our souls

The hour
Come together
And let's roll

Notes on the music: The drums are similar to U2's "Bloody Sunday", the guitar similar to U2 in some parts and the main riff from Little Steven's "Freedom" in other parts, and there are elements of Simple Minds' "Sanctify Yourself" or "Don't You Forget About Me" and - I know, I know - Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love".

Words and music Copyright © 2010 George Washington.


  1. Well done GW I like the last one a lot. Went right to my blogging of the last two days. Can I have your permission to post the words and give the credit to you. I need to wake a bunch of Sheeple up. Happy Fourth , mount up

  2. Two centuries back westerners used to read poetry.

    In the last century, it was mostly sung to them over the radio, and then brought to them by the tv, -in -living color-, however dead it really was.

    Each phenomenon was mostly indicative of the lazy, and even the common slack-jawed human temperament of those unwilling to make the effort to read a book, -or- to do any personally reflective thinking about the reality of the profound limitations inherent to the lack of conscientious or sincere interest in comprehending what CAN be known -and even less-likely superficially expressed by grasping in thin air for some immensely elusive cogency.

    There is a field of popular philosophy that says, real truth is only expressed through music. It reminds me though, -of the smell of the musical fruit.

    Poetry represents a kind of personal gigantism perhaps somehow -most akin to a gigantic Spock-like mind-meld where EVERYONE who looks over the words is supposed to glean from them the feelings coming through the end of Spock's fingertips. Gas again?

    Toilet humor too can be gigantic.

    On my morning walk today I saw a rough parallel between the historic gigantism of the Sphinx, the Pyramids, Stonehenge, the Roman Colosseum, the Roman gold and ivory statue of Zeus, the Easter Island statues, The Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Library of Alexandria, the great European stone cathedrals, Lincoln's concept of America, the crossing of the continent with railroads, Henry Ford's auto plants, agriculture as done in the Midwest, World War I, the Titantic, the Hindenburg, the Eiffel Tower, World War II, Mount Rushmore, the Empire State Building, the Spruce Goose, the Apollo Moon Rocket, the World Trade Center, and last in this long and surely incomplete list of Gigantics doomed to failure and historic obscurity -Wall Street's foreboding and menacing 600 trillion dollar Derivatives Pyramid that so dwarfs the Giza Pyramid in scale -we all should look more closely at the potential for gigantism to plague human thought.

    Of what importance are any of these giants?


    Life is very-very precious, a one-off for us all, and all too short to spend it laboring to build or maintain some such hideous thing.

    Send the scientific architects of these monstrosities an apologetic note, RSVP, we will not be coming to their party this year.

    We all have indigestion at the thought of it, is a good excuse.

  3. Wow. Sounds like a follow up to Bob Marley's Natural Mystic. Great lyrics. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I would like to hear a recording of this and your other material.

    PS from the link to the Little Steven vid I found this other one, seems related:

    Little Steven-I Am A Patriot_1984 Rockpalast


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