Sunday, October 31, 2010


Gulietto Chiesa - Member of European Parliament, 2004 - present (Italy), and Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs. Vice Chairman, Committee on International Trade, and Member of Committee on Security and Defense - sent me the following email:

The team which has done "Zero- inquire on 9-11" is beginning a second step: that of the creation of "Zero-2".: an updating, three years later, with new materials, new steps, a larger vision of the dramatic past ten years of the so called "war against terrorism".

As the previous attempt we are working without big sponsors. That is we need money from common people who want the truth and tools to fight against the war.
For this reason we put "Zero-1" on the web not for free, but for euro 2,99If we succeed in collecting money we will go on.

We ask you to help us sending this information to your mailing list, to the blogs you know, to those who may be interested in buying the film and helping us.

You can tell them that there is a site, where you can find the way to buy the film in English, Spanish, Italian, Russian. Very soon also the French language version will be ready.

Giulietto Chiesa

ZERO - inchiesta sull'11 settembre

Please consider donating to this worthy effort.

1 comment:

  1. My sincere thanks for your help.
    We are trying to build a "Zero-2" movie, to continue the analysis of the tragedy and to prevent a new explosion of war (which, unfortunately, is on track"

    Giulietto Chiesa


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