Tests Now Being Conducted for Corexit and Oil ... Results Not Very Reassuring → Washingtons Blog
Tests Now Being Conducted for Corexit and Oil ... Results Not Very Reassuring - Washingtons Blog

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tests Now Being Conducted for Corexit and Oil ... Results Not Very Reassuring

Real testing is starting to be conducted on dispersant and oil in the Gulf, the results are not looking so good:

In related news:
  • Clean up workers say that BP is limiting how much oil cleanup workers can clean up, and instead just covering oil up with sand, and that Corexit is still being sprayed at night:


  1. Who is to say that these deadly pollutants don't also have a negative effect on the ability to think coherently, which we will obviously need to face our mounting problems?

  2. This is such a devastating tragedy, not only because of the spill itself, which I think hasn't stopped, but the Corexit scandal. Why is this happening? It makes no sense. BP can't possibly have contributed enough money or promises to enough people to justify this.

  3. Just feed the seafood to BP Management and certain Government officals for a few years and we can see what happens to them. Whenever they start changing colors or start growing appendages in strange places then they might admit there is a problem. It's going to take many years and Billions upon Billions to fix this problem.


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