Sunday, December 5, 2010

Does Bernanke Look Like a Man Who is Confident About the State of the Economy and the Prospects for Recovery?

There is a lot to say about Bernanke's comments on 60 Minutes today.

Bernanke's statement that unemployment is the biggest impediment to economic recovery is ironic, given that Bernanke's policies have increased unemployment. See this and this.

Harry Blodget notes that Bernanke implied that inequality is destroying America. Tyler Durden hones in on Bernanke's statements that the economic recovery may not be self-sustaining, and that the Fed may buy even more bonds. Daily Bail picks on Bernanke's claim that the Fed is not printing money.

There are certainly a lot of interesting things to say about Bernanke's words.

But I think the real story is how nervous Bernanke appears.

Listen to his voice, and watch his lips quaver:

Ignore his words ... does this look like a man who is confident about the state of the economy and the prospects for recovery?

Does this sound like a man who is sure that history will judge his actions kindly?


  1. He is really blowing smoke, but what else can he say? The truth is too painful. For a highly educated economist to admit he didn't see this bust coming shows the short sightedness of his vision. Glad I went to a public college-common sense and analytical thinking was encouraged and expected, even if your major wasn't economics. HA

  2. Honestly, he looked like a guy that's being told to go out there and tell the public what he's been ordered to do...sorta like that propaganda minister when we invaded Iraq. I don't think he was lying (QE2 *was* an asset swap & inequality *is* destroying America) but that's not the policies the oligarchs are demanding. So while he feigns concern, his actions speak louder than his words.

  3. Why WAS his lip quivering? There probably wasn't a gun on him, and he's set for life personally. This was a taped interview..they could have done multiple takes if he requested. If that quiver is from lying, he might want to avoid playing hold 'em.

    Does his lip normally quiver like that?

  4. He's so far out of his ability level, it's like watching Sarah Palin hunting. Oh, wait..


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