Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Won't Invest Another Penny Until the Criminals Who Caused the Financial Crisis Are Safely in Jail

Here's an idea for a bumper sticker:

I Won't Invest Another Penny Until the Criminals Who Caused the Financial Crisis Are Safely in Jail

Can you imagine how much pressure would be put on the government to start real prosecutions if a million of us put that on our cars and elsewhere?

Stand up and show that we have leverage ... put it on your car, flyers, posters and freeway blogs.

And a reader named Jeff just sent me the following idea for a bumper sticker:

Austerity and prosecution for the bankers.
Austerity for the government including the military.
Then we can talk about austerity for the rest of us.


  1. Bumper stickers should have the minimum possible number of words. I suggest shorten yours to "Prosecute the criminals who caused the crunch"

    Or you could play on the letter "C": "Clobber the criminals who caused the crunch".

    Plus a picture is worth a thousand words. Incude a picture of a fat cigar smoking Wall Street bankster.

  2. You're going to have a long wait, in fact, unless matters drastically change, these crooks will NEVER see the inside of a prison.

  3. Jct: Quit focusing on the drivers of the errant machine, there's a systemic malfunction to be fixed, demanding the repayment of 11 when they only printed 10. "Experts" rail against the driver when the problem is really the machine.

  4. Brilliant idea.

    Here's my suggestion:


  5. Out here in California a lot of folks had anti-Bush bumper stickers that read " I want a president who talks gooder."

    I never supported Bush but I want a lot more than a president that talks "gooder".

    So I made up my own for my car. I printed them up
    - "I want a president that's not the banks bitch!"
    I also have one that says
    "Obama=Bush" and
    "Real Liberals don't take from the poor and give to the rich"

    I also thought of some others:
    -"Nevermind Obama - Impeach Bernanke!"
    -"I'm for the separation of bank and state."
    -"Peace, Its more than a Democrat campaign slogan!"
    -" I want a president who's not a puppet."


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