Thursday, February 17, 2011

Libya, Bahrain, Iran, Yemen and Other Arab Governments Killing Protesters

Mubarak was not the only brutal dictator in the Arab world.

Government forces are killing protesters in Libya


(and see this and this).



and other Arab countries.

Some claim that these protests are actually created by American intelligence forces to destabilize the Arab world

But trend forecaster Gerald Celente has a very different view of what is unfolding:

It is not solely the Middle East that is destined to experience episodes of violent upheaval. What is transpiring in the Arab world will spread throughout many European states. While the call to arms will be spoken in different tongues, the underlying causes will be the same.

In December 2010 (before Tunisia made the headlines) we issued a Trend Alert titled, “Off With Their Heads!” in which we predicted a “long war between the people and the ruling classes.” We noted that, “Anyone questioning the intensity of the people’s seething anger is either out of touch or in denial.”

It wasn’t Arab anger that led us to that forecast – it was the student and worker revolts spilling into the streets of Europe. The imposition of draconian austerity measures – higher taxes, tuition hikes, lost benefits, curtailed services, public sector job cuts – had young and old raging against a rigged system that paved the way for the privileged and punished the proles.

Though millions marched through the streets of Athens, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, London and Madrid, when the protests ended, the governments were barely shaken, let alone toppled. Unlike the autocratic Arab regimes, where the tight grip of repression could only be broken by violence, in the “democratic” West the illusion of representation and placating government promises mitigated the violence.

Both the press and politicians assumed the protests would run their course, people would accept their fate, and, like it or not, suffer the consequences. The protests, however, have not run their course. The economic toll of austerity and unemployment continues to ravage the lower and middle classes. As we wrote in the Winter 2011 Trends Journal, “It will only be a matter of time before a series of final-straw events breaks the public’s back, setting off uncontrollable uprisings, coups (bloodless and/or military), riots and revolts throughout the financially battered world.”


Already the public is being conditioned to view the Egyptian military as beloved liberators. But in fact they are simply another arm of the autocratic government, no more familiar with democratic ideals than the dictator they replace … who had himself been drawn from the ranks of the military.

The world leaders and world media are not recognizing the Egyptian uprising for what it is: a prelude to a series of civil wars that will lead to regional wars, that will lead to the first “Great War” of the 21st century.


  1. Celente is correct but the revolutionary process won't lead to a "great war" because such war is impossible/impractical in a world full of nuclear weapons and where peoples are fighting against local (and global but primarily local) oligarchies.

    It will lead to a great Revolution of global size and the overthrow of Capitalism because it is not democratic enough (economic democracy is popular power in the economical sphere, as in any other aspect).

  2. “The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law”. Aristotle’s observation of the human condition in 440 BC is as accurate today as it was back in his day.
    A simple truth widely ignored today, hence, revolution and war until the balance is reestablished. According to history, it will probable take at least 100 years of struggle and millions of American lives to reestablish Democracy, Independence and the rule of law in the United States.

    The Great Treason against our American Democracy, Independence and the American people lead by the Great Traitor Bush and his fascist shadow government and perpetuated by Obama, created the world financial crisis that has resulted in the total breakdown of Democracy and the Rule of Law in bringing the criminals responsible to Justice.

    Most Americans are acutely aware of this Treason and injustice and they are starting to feel the pain. Today, everyone’s future is up in the air as the criminals subject us to one managed crisis after another.

    Disgustingly, American Justice is dead. Erick Holder and the DOJ, CIA and the FBI are the worst kind of Rats. Americans are not the only victims, the criminals are international and there is a move on to bring them to justice in Spain’s international court and the Hague’s international court.

    Instead of twiddling your thumbs and praying, you can sign a letter from War is a Crime sent to Spain’s international court to encourage prosecution of Bush era torture criminals. They may charge Bush and company March 1.

  3. In Discourse on Colonialism, Césaire implicates the Europeans for constructing the negative relationship between colonizer and colonized. He criticizes Europe for constructing these colonies only to exploit them for their own benefit. According to Césaire, by establishing these colonies and then exploiting them, the European colonial powers have created two main problems: the problem of the proletariat and the colonial problem. In describing the colonial problem that European civilization has created, he remarks that “Europe is indefensible,” contending that the actions of the colonizers cannot be misconstrued as positive. He centralizes his argument around the claim that, “no one colonizes innocently, that no one colonizes with impunity either; that a nation which colonizes, that a civilization which justifies colonization—and therefore force—is already a sick civilization, a civilization which is morally diseased, which irresistibly, progressing from one consequence to another, one denial to another, calls for its Hitler, I mean its punishment.” [3] He labels the colonizers as barbaric for their treatment of those in the colonies. He defines the relationship as one based on “forced labor, intimidation, pressure, the police, taxation, theft, rape, compulsory crops, contempt, mistrust, arrogance, self-complacency, swinishness, brainless elites, degraded masses.” [By identifying the colonial relationship as one based on race, he draws comparisons between his home of Martinique with the colonies in Africa. By equating racism, barbarism and colonialism, he claims colonization to be a form of dehumanization; he believes this dehumanization occurs because of Europe’s racism against the black populations in Africa, the Caribbean, and elsewhere.

  4. Iran is not an 'Arab' country. Otherwise, good work.


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