Thursday, February 3, 2011

"The Sugar Ray Leonard/Marvelous Marvin Haggler" of Inflation-Deflation Debates

Deflation versus hyperinflation has been a big debate for years (I've discussed these issues extensively, as have Mish, Marc Faber, Charles Hugh Smith, Chris Martenson and many others).

Gonzolo Lira (a very smart writer who has become one of the main voices for hyperinflation) will debate Nicole “Stoneleigh” Foss (one of the most prominent of the deflationists) on this topic on Thursday, Feb. 10, at 9:00 pm EST.

Lira wrote to me and said:

We hope this will turn into the Sugar Ray Leonard/Marvelous Marvin Haggler fight of the macro-economics blogosphere.

To learn more, click on the banner:


1 comment:

  1. There goes the Titanic! Was it a boiler that blew up or an iceberg that sent her down? Ha. Ha.


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