Saturday, April 16, 2011

Which Blog Layout Do You Like?

At a reader's request, I'm thinking of switching over to a "read more" type format with page breaks.

For those who read this blog on a smartphone, or who want to scan a lot of recent posts, this is a good layout. The blog would end up looking more like, which uses the read more layout.

But for those who like to see everything and scroll through posts, the current format is better.

Please let us know which layout you prefer ...


  1. As I usually print your posts and read them on the subway, i prefer the current format. Thank you for your work!

  2. I read Naked Capitalism as well and I think their format works as it is a collection of writings by different people (yours show up there as well) and links of interest. This works when each day has numerous posts/articles and you can pick what to read more easily. I like your current format though as its a consistent thread from a single author.

    So I refer staying with the current format but I am reading this from a desktop or laptop where I have plenty of screenspace.....

    thanks for all your thoughts and works!

  3. Hi! I am a usual reader of your blog. I prefer this type but I'd like to ask you for something. I love your blog and as I have a Kindle I would like to subscribe your blog with an rss client but not only the titles but all the whole content. Thanks a lot!!!

  4. Change is good you can always go back if you don't like it.

  5. The only thing that likes change is a baby.

  6. Good as is, or change it if you like. I read both on my laptop and my smartphone. (I do like the subway print-out idea ... pass it on to another rider after use.)

  7. I like the current format just fine - don't change it! The other format makes it difficult to follow a long or complex narrative.

  8. I second cmusat's request that you leave it as-is, if possible, and I feel your efforts would be better spent pursuing alcavomayo's request that you provide more content over the RSS feed (perhaps three distinct feeds, each entry with a permalink to the article itself: Headline, Headline and Summary, and Entire Article) to accommodate the bandwidth-challenged and/or the content skimmers.

    Frankly, page breaks are an artifact of print and have no place in pure, platform-agnostic HTML. A webpage is a logical structure not a physical one, and the analogy to print layouts grows weaker with each passing season as we move further into the Third Millennium.

  9. As a new regular reader, I prefer to do all my surfing using a plain text browser, even though I usually can't post comments that way (this is from Opera on Linux). But I could not tell the difference between your two layouts in Lynx. Both were equally readable with good paragraph spacing, which is where 90% of blogs and aggregators fail me.

  10. i prefer all on one page format.

    (is there a mobile app to make it easier for small screens?)

  11. I have pretty much stopped reading a lot of what is on Naked Capitalism because I hate that 'read more' format. Please don't change!

  12. I'd say I like it the way it's been, but I'll read no matter what.

  13. I like the current format. Thanks. Great blogspot/website.

  14. Keep as is! No reason for the "read more" option as long as you only have 5-10 posts on the main page; makes for easier reading.

  15. I really like those guys in the flying squirrel suits, but where is the landing gear?


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