Tuesday, May 3, 2011

EPA Stops Daily Monitoring of Radioactivity ... When We Need It More Than Ever

Most American states are not doing their own radiation monitoring, because - they say - the EPA is monitoring the situation.

But as EPA writes today:

Due to the consistent decrease in radiation levels across the country associated with the Japanese nuclear incident, EPA will update the daily data summary page only when new data are posted.


After a thorough data review showing declining radiation levels related to the Japanese nuclear incident, EPA has returned to the routine RadNet sampling and analysis process for precipitation, drinking water and milk.
In fact, radiation levels are not decreasing, and top independent scientists are calling for increased monitoring.

Indeed, Marco Kaltofen - a well-known environmental engineer - stresses that more monitoring has to be done so that we can assess the risks, and take appropriate action:

Where is all that Fukushima radiation going, and why does it matter? from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

Heck of a job, guys.


  1. where can we find these actual fallout particle air sampling data? lots speculation going around as to the actual numbers being thrown around by norwegian forecasts of xenon and other gases specifically.

  2. Radiation levels related to the Japanese nuclear incident and analysis process for precipitation, drinking water and milk...As a Rain Gauges expert I must want to know about that.


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