Sunday, July 24, 2011

"DC Is a Big Bag of Suck That Couldn't Solve a Rubik's Cube If It Were All One Color"

Here's the quote of the day on the debt negotiation farce:

Today's intrepid White House pool reporter, The Hill's Sam Youngman, on the state of the negotiations: "DC is a big bag of suck that couldn't solve a rubik's cube if it were all one color."
While this may seem like utter incompetence, it might be something.

Remember that both parties are trying to use every crisis as an excuse to redistribute wealth upwards. See this, this and this.

It shouldn't be a surprise that Congress can't get its act together long enough to do anything to help the American people, given that most politicians:


  1. I can't top that. Beyond mewling for the biggest tit, they have no skills. Grayson, Paul, maybe Kucinich and a few others are getting it all over themselves by being in the same room.
    To hell with the CFR. Hang the CFR for treason.

  2. Pithy prose!

    America has to be devastated, else it will not cede sovereignty to the NWO....


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