Friday, August 12, 2011

Both Consumer Confidence And The Labor Participation Rate Are At A 30 Year Low ... That's Not A Coincidence

A new poll from Thomson Reuters and University of Michigan shows that consumer confidence is the lowest its been for 30 years.

A new report from Wells Fargo Securities shows that the labor participation rate is also "at a 30-year low".

That's not a coincidence.

If people can't find work, they'll have no confidence in their ability to pay for the things they want or need, or in the economy as a whole.

The administration - despite its rhetoric - is doing nothing to decrease unemployment (and see this), and is solely helping the super-rich at the expense of everyone else.

Given this situation, it shouldn't be a huge surprise that:

1 comment:

  1. Geez GW, You must be eluding to the American (free trade, sic) economic crisis and their American global oligarchy government, has anyone noticed, the financial crisis began when the global N.W.O fascist took control of our American government and economy?

    Thanks, CIA, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations and a special shout out to the US Chamber of Commerce, Home Land Security, Supreme Court, FBI and Attorney General Holder! Traitors! Ha. Ha.

    There are two kinds of American Capitalism: Main Street American Capitalism which employees 70% of working Americans and criminal Multinational Corporate Centralized Bankster Capitalism that controls our economy, government (trade agreements secret packs) and exports our American jobs, technology and industry.

    You know, like the great fascist Benito Mussolini once stated. “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

    Funny, Chinese Communism is also that ideal totalitarian fascist structure, the perfect centralized fascist tool. That is a fascist marriage made in hell and the death of American Main Street Capitalism; global fascist hate competition. Ha. Ha.

    Tell me, where would America be today if the traitors/criminals were in prison and the trillions of dollars of taxpayer money/debt would have been spent “stimulating” innovation and American Main Street Capitalism?


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