Tuesday, August 2, 2011

“Even By American Legislative Standards, This Deal Is A Turkey And It’s Totally Appropriate That The New Bipartisan Congressional Committee Should Have To Report At Thanksgiving ... This Bill Is An Expensive Lesson In What Might Be Termed The Investment Theory Of Political Parties: That Both Parties Represent Big Money Interests"

Tom Ferguson - professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and a senior fellow of the Roosevelt Institute - with the quote of the day on the debt deal:

Even by American legislative standards, this deal is a turkey and it’s totally appropriate that the new bipartisan Congressional committee [i.e. the non-Constitutional Super Congress] should have to report at Thanksgiving.


This bill is an expensive lesson in what might be termed the investment theory of political parties: that both parties represent big money interests.... In time, I think, the popular reaction will be fierce.


  1. RE: Global Buffoonery.

    Don't forget that "it" (congressional buffoonery) has had some impact on the currency wars.

    That is, this buffoonery will increase the call to drop the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency.

  2. Yes, the popular reaction will be fierce.
    This is a sad day for America, the Fascist bankster totalitarians have declared war against the American People, and indeed they have declared war against humanity.
    My American flag is flying upside down and I will continue to fly the US flag upside down until we bring every traitor in congress and in government to Justice and hang every fucking one of them for Treason.


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