Tuesday, August 23, 2011

“The Gap Between Americans Who Want To Govern Themselves And Politicians Who Want To Rule Over Them May Be As Big Today As The Gap Between The Colonies And England During The 18th Century … The American People Don't Want To Be Governed From The Left, The Right, Or The Center. They Want To Govern Themselves”

Americans Don't Want To Be Ruled from the Left Or the Right ... We Want to Govern Ourselves

Pollster Scott Rasmussen notes:

The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them may be as big today as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th century.


The American people don't want to be governed from the left, the right, or the center. They want to govern themselves.

Rasmussen polls bolster this statement, showing higher and higher percentages of Americans who say that politicians are not acting with the "consent of the governed".

Postscript: Yves Smith argues:

Rasmussen is the preferred pollster for the right wing.


Nevertheless, Rasmussen has been conducting this sort of poll over time, so changes in sentiment are still germane.


  1. should we try to use a non violent method such as this to try to fight back.
    hit em where it hurts?
    GW thank you for your blog


  2. Study jury nullification.
    Don't be a sheep.
    The American government is your enemy.
    Get rid of the Federal Reserve.
    No more senseless foreign wars - they are bankrupting us.
    No more $1.5 trillion giveaways to the banks.
    They are stealing from us.
    They are Traitors.
    Demand that the government follow the Constitution.
    The government is an illegal, occupying force.


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