Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Must-Watch Video: Popular MSNBC Anchor Reports the Media Are Stifling the Truth About Fukushima, Regulators Are Wholly Captured and There Are Many Accidents Waiting to Happen In the U.S.

As I've previously noted, popular MSNBC anchor Cenk Uygur was recently told to tone down his attacks on the establishment because the head of the network reminded him, "we're part of the establishment."

Last week, Uygur described what MSNBC bigwigs told him about Fukushima in this must-see video:

Uygur also reports on the numerous unsafe reactors in the U.S., the cover-ups of nuclear accidents, and the wholly captured nuclear regulators ... and regulators in every field.

For background, see this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

1 comment:

  1. Corporations own the government, including the NRC. Corporate profits are more important than any given number of people. That's the kind of economy and civilization we have pursued and now have; we're 'consumers' not citizens, not even really people. Just wage slaves, shut up, buy stuff and pay your bills.

    Read 'We Almost Lost Detroit', available in pdf form on line for free. They've been lying for years, there have been numerous fatal accidents in the U.S. at nuke plants.

    And oh yeah, the fuel disposal problem? That was never solved and will never be; they just pile the stuff up thinking it's someone else's problem. It will take far more than a miracle for the water to be drinkable and the air to be breathable and the food to be edible, going thousands of years into the future.

    Meanwhile, we had a free source of fission energy a few million miles away, all we had to do was develop the technology and keep our needs in line with what that provided.

    Baseline: We've poisoned the planet for profits, and the energy to keep our toasters running.


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