Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Radiation Expert: Huge Quantities of Radiation Are Still Being Released from Fukushima ... And Radiation Levels In Some Parts of Tokyo Are Higher than In the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Huge Quantities of Radiation Are Still Being Released By Fukushima

Radiation expert Dr. Chris Busby says that huge quantities of radiation - 1013 or 10 trillion becquerels per hour - are still being released from Fukushima.

This is down slightly from some of the radiation levels observed in March, which - as I noted in April - exceeded levels pumped out at Chernobyl during the week-long fire.

But given that the Fukushima crisis has continued for months, Fukushima dwarfs Chernobyl in terms of radiation released. See this and this.

Very High Radiation Levels Found in Tokyo

Busby brought sophisticated radiation testing equipment to Japan, and says that the radiation from one sample from Tokyo was higher than existed inside the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

1 comment:

  1. George; Just a head's up, but this Busby fellow doesn't strike me as being the most reliable of sources. Maybe he's right, but I would try to look for outside confirmation before taking him too seriously.


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