Monday, September 5, 2011

Despite The Ongoing Efforts To Cover Up The Scope Of The Disasters, New Videos Prove That All Is Not Well At Fukushima ... Or The BP Oil Spill Site

Despite the ongoing efforts to cover up the scope of the disasters, new videos prove that all is not well in Fukushima ... or the BP oil spill site.

A strange flash was observed at the Fukushima nuclear power plant:

And a new 10-mile oil slick was spotted in the area of BP gulf oil spill:


  1. Is that reactor #4?

    This is the (only?) TEPCO camera we are all familiar with from the guy that showed up pointing at it while apparently recording some voice messages (?).

    I understand that the flashes should come from reactor #4, where the spent fuel storage had collapsed long ago but I'd like a second opinion.

    If it is reactor #4, then can we think in spontaneous nuclear explosions from the mox (plutonium+) fuel stored? I'm not sure if that's possible but I would not be surprised if it's the case: you have a bunch of radioactive and potentially explosive material over there, in unknown (but poor) conditions and I imagine that critical mass may be achieved in certain circumstances. Can that be the case?

  2. Who knows. Could it be the typhoon winds blowing on the electrical power lines? The title is a bit leading. It says this proves something is wrong, but it's coy about making specific claims.

  3. Simple...they are simply strong illuminating helmet flashlights.

    ...Party like its 1999 folks...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Crab meat sure sounds tasty with some of that delicious crude oil sauce on the side...


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