Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kucinich: Demand that Congress Issue Subpoenas for Continuity of Government Plans

Congressman Kucinich - who is leading the charge for impeachment - says that the American people must pressure Congress every day to get to find out about continuity of government (COG). If you don't know what COG is, read this.

Kucinich said Congress has tried to find out whether COG plans implemented on 9/11 are still in effect, and what those plans are, but the White House has stonewalled. He suggests that Americans demand that congress issue subpoenas to determine whether COG plans are currently in effect, and to find out what's in the documents. This is the only way we'll find out.

John Conyers has been issuing subpoenas on other issues, which may be important. However, what could be more important for Congress than determining whether or not the Constitution is still the controlling document for our country? What could be more important for Congress than determining whether COG planning documents strip Congress of its power, and give sole power to the executive branch?

Demand that congress issue subpoenas and -- more importantly -- hold everyone subpoenaed person -- including Buch, Cheney, Mukasey, Chertoff, etc. -- in contempt (and throw them in jail!) if they don't respond.

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