Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Developments in the Mortgage, Mortgage Backed Securities and Foreclosure Crises

Here's a round up of breaking stories today:

1 comment:

  1. re: "FBI is in the initial stages of trying to determine whether the financial industry may have broken criminal laws in the mortgage foreclosure crisis"

    Would that be the same FBI that Bill Black wrote about?

    "The disgraceful lack of prosecutions which has resulted from regulators virtually ending the practice of making criminal referrals and the pathetic March 2007 "partnership" that the FBI entered into with the Mortgage Bankers Association (the trade association of the "perps") that led the FBI and the Department of Justice to (implicitly) define out of existence fraud by the lenders (and to conceive of them as the "victim" -- which they are, but only of their controlling officers)."


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