Thursday, August 18, 2011

Amazing Science Breakthroughs

Incredible Science Discoveries

It has been an amazing month for science:

  • Dutch company PlantLab has figured out how to triple the yield of plants using only 10% of the water typically needed, using a method which doesn't require any pesticides:

When grown outdoors plant photosynthesis is only about 9% efficient. With the correct balance of colored LED light, PlantLab has increased that efficiency to 12 or 15%, aiming for 18%. Double the efficiency means increased yield (or more likely equal yield with less energy). By keeping the plants in a contained system, PlantLab can also recycle evaporated water, which helps them grow crops using just one tenth the water as with traditional greenhouses. Because PlantLab’s harvest is indoors, they don’t have pests (and could quickly isolate rooms that somehow got contaminated) and they don’t need pesticides. Finally, PlantLab’s production facilities can be built almost anywhere: from the Sahara to the Artic, it’s all going to look the same indoors. So everyone’s food can be grown as local as possible. That means fresher food with less costs of transportation.

PlantLab’s Gertjan Meeuws recently discussed some of the other benefits and results of their work on Southern California public radio (KPCC). He claims they’re able to increase crop yield by a factor of three so far.
  • And for the first time ever, scientists filmed (from a spacecraft) a coronal mass ejection from the sun washing over the Earth. Watch the video (40 megs, takes a while to download; the Earth is the blue ball on the left)

Click here for more amazing science discoveries.


  1. Some of the sting is taken out of scientific discoveries when we realize microbes were doing quantum physics billions of years ago, well before human existence.

    One wonders, then, why "they chose" to engage in a symbiotic relationship with humans at such a late date.

    Especially since human civilization is the greatest danger to continued existence of a healthy biosphere.

    It raises questions about whether scientists should blurt out so much in textbooks so quickly, then have to put them in the recycle bin all too often.

  2. Be aware of the long reach of Monsanto, as they will certainly regard PlantLab as the enemy of the good: genetically modified seeds. And with the law behind them, they can afford to be tenacious and relentless in their quest for monopoly.

  3. "One wonders, then, why "they chose" to engage in a symbiotic relationship with humans at such a late date."

    Difficult to imagine when you think it happened via an evolutionary random walk. But it makes sense when you think of it as a designed system.

  4. Let's see....PlantLab hails from Holland, specializes in getting more out of plants with less. They like indoor growing so there's no pests. And they can increase crop yield by a factor of 3. Anyway, knowing the great strides the Dutch have made to growing....less than legal medicinal type stealth plants for home medicinal type gardens, I'm left to wonder what kind of plants legal or otherwise were the Dutch working on here when these discoveries were made?? YOU DON'T THINK....nah that couldn't be....could it???


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