Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nuclear Expert: Radioactive Rain-Outs Will Continue For a Year - Even In Western U.S. and Canada - Because Japanese Are Burning Radioactive Materials

Nuclear Expert: Radioactive Rain-Outs Will Continue For a Year - Even In Western U.S. and Canada - Because Japanese Are Burning Radioactive Materials

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says in a new interview that the Japanese are burning radioactive materials. The radioactivity originated from Fukushima, but various prefectures are burning radioactive materials in their terroritories.

Gundersen says that this radioactivity ends up not only in neighboring prefectures, but in Hawaii, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and California.

He notes that radioactive rain-outs were documented recently in British Columbia and Oklahoma with geiger counters.

Gundersen says that well see another year of radioactive rain-outs, as the Japanese continue to burn radioactive materials.

Cover Up By American and Canadian Governments

Gundersen has a high-level contact in the State Department who says that the U.S. government has decided - within various agencies, including the State Department, FDA, and other agencies - to downplay the dangers from Fukushima. Because of this policy decision, the government is not really testing for radiation.

Gundersen is working with scientists who will publish a paper in the near future definitively debunking Canadian and American health officials' claims that only harmless levels of radiation are being released.

Click here to listen to the interview.

See this or background.Link


  1. I hope that Mr. Gundersen will compare the type, volume, radiotoxicity, and distribution of the particles from Fukushima with the radioactive rain-out (and fallout) from the burning of coal, both domestically and globally.

    Most people don't know that coal combustion, which accounts for 46% of American electrical production, releases large volumes of radioactive particles into the atmosphere on a daily basis.

    A fair and balanced report about the dangers of Fukushima and the potential dangers of commercial nuclear power would have to include the metrics on coal combustion radiotoxicity as a basis for comparision, since nearly half of our electricity comes from coal and less than 20% comes from nuclear.

  2. HI,
    Amazing interview .. Thanks for sharing..

    online caverta


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