Thursday, December 18, 2008

White House: 9/11 Wasn't Foreseeable & Santa Claus is Real

The White House is on a blitz to try to persuade Americans that 9/11 wasn't foreseeable.

Yesterday, White House press spokesman Tony Fratto said "No one could have anticipated" terrorists flying planes into buildings before 9/11 :

In an interview broadcast today, Secretary of State Rice said Bush didn't ignore any 9/11 "warning", because there was no "'when, where, how".

Is that believable?

Yes, definitely . . . as long as you disregard the following facts:

Other than that, it is totally believable.


  1. Maybe if a lie gets repeated enough times it will become the truth.

  2. I have just posted a new website specifically designed to help those of us who accept the compelling facts about 9/11 convince our friends and families that they should take a second look. It's called I would have emailed you about this, but I could not find an email address.

    Anyway, I like to think George Washington would approve ;)

    Thank you for your attention.


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