Friday, July 9, 2010

Irony: Our Huge Military Is What Made Us an Empire ... But Our Huge Military is What Is Bankrupting Us, Thus DESTROYING Our Status as an Empire

As I've previously pointed out, America's military-industrial complex is ruining our economy.

And U.S. military and intelligence leaders say that the economic crisis is the biggest national security threat to the United States. See this, this and this.

As RT points out, it is ironic that America's huge military spending is what made us an empire ... but our huge military is what is bankrupting us ... thus destroying our status as an empire:

No wonder people from opposite ends of the political spectrum like Barney Frank and Ron Paul are calling for a reduction in military spending.


  1. Not to worry. The IMF and the "cat food commission" both agree that cutting the defense budget is out of the question. Much better to take excess money away from the disabled and all those old folks; what do they need money for? they can't go anywhere any how....

  2. As long as we use a private banks money (borrow at interest) debt will be the result.



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