Mubarak: I'm Firing My Cabinet and - As Dictator - Unilaterally Appointing New Lackeys → Washingtons Blog
Mubarak: I'm Firing My Cabinet and - As Dictator - Unilaterally Appointing New Lackeys - Washingtons Blog

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mubarak: I'm Firing My Cabinet and - As Dictator - Unilaterally Appointing New Lackeys

If Mussolini or Stalin or Mao had faced public protests for being a tyrant, and had said he was firing his cabinet and unilaterally naming new lackeys, would that have reassured anyone?

Of course not.

That's exactly what Egyptian president Mubarak is trying to do. See this, this, this, this and this.


  1. I hope the reality of what is taking place in the world will not be lost on the citizens of America. The road is a long one and it will cost the lives of some of us but the future of my children and the lives of all people mean something to me, should mean something to us. There is a chasm that separates those that comprehend the times we live in and the events that are occuring but the reality of it is that we are changing the world.



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