You've Gotta' Laugh → Washingtons Blog
You've Gotta' Laugh - Washingtons Blog

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You've Gotta' Laugh

This cracks me up.

Indeed, if you are worried about the economic crisis, the threat of martial law, or anything else . . . this will put things in perspective. It will also show you that sometimes things are out of your control (my wife is always telling me that I'm too arrogant in thinking I can figure everything out), and that you just have to laugh.

In September, scientists said that the sun's solar wind is at a 50-year low. Since the solar wind shields Earth from harmful radiation originating outside of our solar system, this could mean that we are at increased risk of getting wiped out.

Yesterday, scientists announced that "recent satellite observations have revealed the largest breach yet seen in the magnetic field that protects Earth from most of the sun's violent blasts."

And today, McClatchy has a story entitled "Forget the economy: Killer asteroids could pose real danger".

You've gotta' laugh at this . . . cosmic comic relief in a Monty Python kind of way.

Udpate: A leading astrophysicist says
an asteroid may collide with Earth in 2029

And, of course, Yellowstone might blow.


  1. Oh, yes, man, you are right! I've just read the news few hours ago!
    This IS (nother) a big problem.. It's just that people will say: "com'on, leave us alone, we are to busy now with Bush&co and the economic crisis to think about the space!"
    have you seen this??!


    Following this translation is the text of Contact #150, from October 10, 1981

    The official discovery of the object now called Apophis was on June 19, 2004


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