Executive Summary: What do the Experts Say About Torture? → Washingtons Blog
Executive Summary: What do the Experts Say About Torture? - Washingtons Blog

Friday, May 15, 2009

Executive Summary: What do the Experts Say About Torture?

Here is a very brief summary of what the experts say about torture:


  1. Extracting confessions via torture sounds a lot like the Spanish Inquisition.

    But let us not forget: the Spanish Inquisition found a lot of witches! So apparently there is some usefulness in torture after all...

  2. In 1997 NORAD said, "Aircraft flying over our air space are monitored seven days a week, 24 hours a day."

    The quote above is contradicted by the following 2008 quote from NORAD, "Since the tragic events of 9/11, NORADs role which previously was outward-looking now includes monitoring airspace within North America."

    See the 5 articles on NORAD at www.DNotice.org

    The articles can be found under the Previous Articles section.

  3. 3 things on Torture:

    1). Visit www.SmokingMirrors.com

    2). Go to Google video - look up the movie "Fabled Enemies" and watch it to the end

    3). Then go back to www.SmokingMirrors.com


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