Why My Investments Continue To Grow As Stock And Housing Prices Plunge → Washingtons Blog
Why My Investments Continue To Grow As Stock And Housing Prices Plunge - Washingtons Blog

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why My Investments Continue To Grow As Stock And Housing Prices Plunge

Many, if not most, of you will be skeptical about this as a "safe haven investment". If, in fact, you have made money in this way, please post your success stories.

If you don't buy it, then - before posting criticisms saying it won't work - please brainstorm about how we can conserve our capital while helping the world in ways that really work, and post your ideas.

Fred Burks sent the following email:

As stock prices fall to levels not seen in 12 years, consider that the stock market is in a sense legalized gambling. Consider also that the stock exchange only serves large corporations, so all money invested supports big business with little to no direct benefit to those most in need in our world. That is why I took all of my investments out of the stock market years ago. Because I shifted everything to secure microcredit investments, which directly help those most in need, my investments have increased in value every year, even as the market crashes.

About 10 years ago, when I first learned about microcredit, I decided it was time to put my money where my mouth is. The stock market at the time was growing leaps and bounds. I had shifted all of my investments to socially responsible stocks many years earlier, yet I knew that if I really wanted to help transform the world, I had to get out of the stock market and support the most socially progressive investment vehicles available. As a result, within a few years, I had transferred all of my retirement investments and savings into microcredit. I gave up the big returns, knowing that the return to the humanity worldwide was well worth it.

Little did I know that in the long run, my investments would end up being the most sound out there. While housing prices continue to tumble and the stock market has lost over 50% from its high not long ago, I've continued to gain 3% every year on my money. And as a sign of the times, the founders of the microcredit movement won the Nobel Peaace Prize in 2006.

With both housing and the stock market not looking to reverse their downward trends anytime soon, I invite you to seriously consider shifting to microcredit -- not only as a way to stabilize your money, but also as a powerful way to work towards ending poverty and supporting those most in need with your investments.

For an excellent guide describing how microcredit works and how to transfer your investments to help build a brighter future for all, click here. And feel free to ask me any questions. I deeply believe that as ever increasing numbers of caring people decide to do the best thing for all humanity with their money, our world will dramatically transform for the better.

With very best wishes,

P.S. For a wonderfully inspiring and educational online course which calls on each of us to be the change we want to see in the world, see http://insightcourse.net. It's free of charge. The lesson on money at is both revealing and inspiring. See http://www.insightcourse.net/lessons/18a_money_matters.


  1. I love your writing, would you be interested in sharing blogroll links with me? I have a financial blog at http://wealth-ed.com Thanks!

  2. Good for you, congrats! I like 'legalized gambling.' I was working in the 'investment' industry, and got out in 2003, because I didn't believe in it and the advice from everyone about how great the stock market is, and how it will exponetially grow until you retire.

  3. I tried micro-credit through Prosper.com. It was a disaster. So many people defaulted that I lost money. Sadly, some people put their entire savings in Prosper loans and most (all?) are suffering badly.

    Prosper ran into SEC issues and isn't doing new loans. That isn't an excuse to ignore the bad results from the people borrowing the money.

    My lesson: People with marginal credit history and limited documentation are bad credit risks. You'd have thought I'd have known that - huh?


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