Former White House Lawyer Tells Senate that “Indefinite Detention” Without Trial Is Occurring In Afghanistan and Iraq, As Well As Guantanamo → Washingtons Blog
Former White House Lawyer Tells Senate that “Indefinite Detention” Without Trial Is Occurring In Afghanistan and Iraq, As Well As Guantanamo - Washingtons Blog

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Former White House Lawyer Tells Senate that “Indefinite Detention” Without Trial Is Occurring In Afghanistan and Iraq, As Well As Guantanamo

Richard Klingler, a lawyer in the Office of White House Counsel under former president George W. Bush, told senators today:

The "debate on indefinite detention often wrongly focuses on Guantanamo Bay," arguing the practice is "considerably more widespread."

It is a practice Obama "will continue to pursue," in Afghanistan, Iraq, and at Guantanamo, and he noted they have already followed in the Bush administration's footsteps by defending it repeatedly in court, added Klingler.

The "wartime framework underlying [these tactics] have settled well within the mainstream of the American tradition," he said.

Given that Richard Clarke and another top terrorism expert say that indefinite detention without trial will dramatically increase terrorism, and given that there is no conceivable security rationale for holding prisoners indefinitely without trial, it is disturbing that this has become "mainstream".

God help us.

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  1. this nation is a DICTATORSHIP TORTURE GULAG, manned up by spineless torture mongering cowards and scum that deserve what is coming to them in the way of misery and grief.

    I never thought I would see the day we sank this fucking low, but we have.

    thank you, you fucking piles of shit in the Congress and the Senate, and the asshole who is in the Whore House, and his scumbag predecessor!!!!!!!! COCKSUCKERS!!!!!!

  2. God Forgive America...

  3. gravel kucinich paul naderJune 10, 2009 at 7:02 AM

    Whistleblowers & leaks are coming to the fore:

    911, AIPAC, & the Federal Reserve ~

  4. Hi, here is a story for you. I don't know the facts. He claims to be a reporter. Whatever he is or has done - to me, the bottom-line is: 1. Was he charged?? 2. Was he given his rights to defense?? 3. Is he being given lawful rights to a speedy, just trial??

    I personally believe that the rights of prisoners MUST come before the State. Unlawful detention is an attack on ALL our Constitutional rights.

    So anyway, in case you would like to follow up on it and do a story:


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