Humanitarian Aid Worker: Torture Only Stopped When I Pretended I Was In Al Qaeda → Washingtons Blog
Humanitarian Aid Worker: Torture Only Stopped When I Pretended I Was In Al Qaeda - Washingtons Blog

Monday, June 8, 2009

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Torture Only Stopped When I Pretended I Was In Al Qaeda

Lakhdar Boumediene worked for a humanitarian relief agency - the equivalent of the Red Cross in the middle least (the Red Crescent).

Boumediene tells ABC News that he was tortured at Guantanamo with needles, feed tubes, and being "stretched" (like the old-time rack).

More importantly, Boumediene confirms that telling the truth got him tortured more, while lying and saying what the interrogator wanted him to say got it to stop:

Boumediene said it was in his interest to lie to the interrogators, who would reward the detainees if they admitted guilt.

"If I tell my interrogator, I am from Al Qaeda, I saw Osama bin Laden, he was my boss, I help him, they will tell me, 'Oh you are a good man,'" he said. "But if I refuse ? I tell them I'm innocent, never was I terrorist, never never, they tell me. 'You are, you are not cooperating, I have to punch you.'"

Those who say that torture works are lying.

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  1. yes, if you really are from 'the toilet', can you describe for me the 'plunger mechanism' and the 'flapper valve'? how about the chain going from the flushing handle to the flapper valve? If you really are FROM THE TOILET, you'd know these things: "Lessons from AL-CIA-DA"; a toilet's view of the world, by I.M. Anasshole

  2. This is why American can not go forward until America first returns to this black stain on hour history, investigate the torture and war crimes that frankly have been rubbed in all our faces, then prosecute the criminals who gave the orders for the Iraq war and torture for starters. This is why torture is a war crime that real Americans don't do. Torture is no way to win a war. In fact it's a sure way to loose one since you are not worthy of winning. Might does not make right. In fact, the opposite.


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